"Life is so full of meaning and purpose, so full of beauty - beneath its covering - that you will find earth but cloaks your heaven."

Welcome to my blog!

Hello and welcome to my blog!

This page was created to serve as a place to share my independent businesses, updates, and information that may be of interest to you. Here you will find inspirational insigts, quotes and informative messages that will inspire and encourage you as you enhance your business and/or personal life.

I will also be sharing discounts, monthly bonus and specials of both my business and what each one has to offer as an Independent Consultant. I'm also the owner and Sole Proprietor of Aroma Essence Fragrance~Body oils, Sprays & Lotions. For more information on my products, you can email me at: aromaessencefragrance@gmail.com and I will forward you a list of Designer & Traditional fragrances and how you can pay via paypal.

Feel free to send me a message via the website or email. Stay tuned and check in often!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Prayer of the dream!

Prayer of the dream:
Father god in Heaven, You have placed a dream in my heart. Open it up to me that I may understand and run with it. Give me vision, direction and an intentional heart. Strengthen my hands as I actively fulfill Your call on my life. I put on the mind of Christ and receive Your supernatural wisdom through the Holy Spirit. Father, you say in Eccl. 5:3 tht a dream comes through a multitude of business, and I receive that now in the precious name of your Son, Jesus. You have placed a dream within my spirit. It is a bluprint of what You desire for me to do through your strength and direction, to advance Your kingdom on earth. I dedicate my life to the fulfillment of that dream and take action on that now. Continue to make my path straight, open my eyes so that I may see Your leading and direction, and set into motion your divine appointments and lives that I will touch. Thank you for the favor I am receiving from those I talk to and touch. Speak through me and help me walk in Your strength and joy. I ask all of this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen

Spirit of Success

For Every Home Candles

For Every Home Candles
The Innovative Fashion Fragrance Company